Making an Aussie Classic with an American twist...

Like most Aussies who have moved away from the golden shores of OZ, there are certain "cuisine" we miss...And I am no different...Over the last decade I have slowly searched to find these Aussie staples at an affordable price here in the USA. I found a online place to order the black gold that is Vegemite (most other stuff too but often too pricey by the time I figure in shipping from CA to FL)...My mother delights us each Christmas with a packet of Tim Tams each and Walmart is now carrying a goodish range of Cadbury Chocolate (though sadly have stopped carrying Milo *sad face*)
Alas the baked goods that I have truly craved have eluded me...So, started my quest to find and tweak a recipe to my own satisfaction...Today I share with you one of my all time fave savory snacks...
The Sausage Roll...I know some of you are wondering about replacing the pork/beef meet with turkey...This was purely on a whim because I like turkey and it worked really well and of course the fat content was greatly reduced making them just a little healthier...SO now on to the recipe.
Yields 12 Rolls
Filling:1 pound turkey sausage meat.
1 medium/small carrot
1 small onion
Dash of whipping cream
1/3 cup plain bread crumbs
1/4 tsp Sage
1/4 tsp Curry powder
Pinch of Thyme
Pinch of Garlic
Crust:1 Sheet Puff Pastry - Cut into 3 equal lengths, longways.
1 Beaten Egg
Add meat, spices and bread crumbs to a mixing bowl.
Finely chop carrot and onion in food processor or grinder...Add the dash of cream to help loosen it from the sides then add to bowl also.
Using your finger tips only, gently combine all the ingredients. Divide into 3 even size balls.
On a floured cutting board roll out the puff pastry strips to make them wide enough to wrap around the filling.
Take each ball of filling and evenly spread into a long sausage on top of each pastry strip, roll pastry around filling with as much overlap as possible, brush with egg to join.
Cut each large roll into 4 even pieces, place join side down on large cookie tray lined with parchment paper....Use the tip of a pointy knife to make small slits into top of pasty...2 slits per roll should be enough...Brush tops with beaten eggs.
Bake in preheated 350degree oven for 40 minutes.

Remove from oven and let rest on a cake rack for 5minutes...
Serve with Ketchup and Enjoy