Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Tweedle Boys...I think??

I took this video to share on the forum to try and establish once and for all, the questionable sex of Tweedle Dum...

Tweedle Dee has a very defined "Drake Tail" so we know he is a boy, but Dum has nothing more than a single feather sticking up a little and no curl to it...The other way to tell the sex I was told, is the females are much louder than the males...Imagine that lol.

SO anyway, thus far the consensus is both male....
But either way I thought yall might enjoy seeing the Tweedles live action video.

Notice Master Bravo and the girls had to mussel in on the action too...I think they were worried the ducks might get some food...haha, I fooled them.

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