Jump in, let me (or rather hubby) take you on a quick ride around the front yard...

The hibiscus are FINALLY blooming...they seem to be taking forever to do anything this year...This is only our 3rd or 4th bloom..But the little bushes are loaded with buds..

It is soooooo hot...Let's stop by the pool for a quick dip....

Nice view from the pool of sexy gardening man hubby watering the sagging peppers in the front raised combo (flowers,herbs and veggies) bed...
Oh wait! What else can we see from here??

It's that suitcase again...The Knock-out rose is doing great in it..Look at all that new growth..

Two blooms at once...yay

And many more on the way...I counted a total of 18 buds on this little bush...

Next to the front step in the wire teacup planter we have something a little special to share...Can you see it?

This is the second bloom like it...The first one got destroyed by the rain before I could get a photo...how funky is that?

Over to the side garden now and this ummm whatcha-ma-callit from my MIL is about to bloom...So excited since we thought we had lost the plant when the chickens ate it down to nothing mere weeks after it was planted...

At the other end the Black-eye Susans are sooooo close to opening...Also from my MIL...I can't wait to see them in all there lovely glory...
That is it for today...tomorrow I will have some cool pix of our peanuts to show you...until then.

The view from the top of the driveway...Looking North...

Looking South...
Not a lot to see there lol.
Blessings Kelsie
Your daughter is so cute. Don't you love to watch your husband garden? The hibiscus is stunning, if it were a lighter shade I'd say her name is Jane Cowell. I also posted Knockout Roses today, although mine are the double. Your Moss Ross does have some unique coloring, very pretty. Watch it for the little seeds, they look like pepper, it also roots easy peasy if you want more. Your whatch-ma-callit is a Sedum, maybe Autumn Joy. The view up and down the road looks very peaceful!
Beautiful! And that's suitcase idea is cute!
Your daughter is a cutie-pie! Love the pictures, Hibiscus in one of my favorites. I can't wait to get some of those planted on our acreage. Summer fun days...always rememberd!
Love the suitcase. I had one in the garden for years but it rotted away so I will just enjoy yours! I love to see a garden that people are enjoying. So often gardens are created by someone else, taken care of by someone else, and only looked at, never enjoyed. Family makes for a Happy Garden! ~ Jacque
BeAuTiFuL ♥ Thanks for the tour... and I too LOVE the suitcase!
I want to jump in the pool too with the little one and cool off. Your little one is so cute. Can I steal you suitcase idea. I love it.
Beautiful blooms.
"The chicken ate it." too funny! Your suitcase idea is adorable.
Your garden is lovely and little girl is beautiful! I love the suitcase with the knockout rose. How totally fun and imaginative!
HOw much FUN your garden is. Almost makes me wish my children were little again...
Ha! Wish i could be wheeled around in a wheelbarrow....Love that suitcase in your garden - how clever! thanks for sharing over here at Cottage Flora Thursdays this week! xoxo, tracie
Love your suitcase! your flowers are beautiful - love the colors. Thanks for sharing! Paula in Idaho
My you are out in the country! Your roses look similar to the wild roses that grow in Alaska! Isn't that amazing. How hot is it there? I'd be in that pool myself, I think. Have a great weekend.
I am LOVING that suitcase!
I thank you so much for linking in this week. It is an honor to host Friday's Flaunt and meet new friends and visit the regulars (who are like old friends) who share. I am always excited to tour each post and see the different flowers/ projects and garden art that everyone flaunts. It is a pleasure to tour and see all the gorgeous blooms...and I appreciate each and every link and comment! I hope you will link in again soon!
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