Yay...My hens have started laying again...I think the rooster was bothering them a wee bit much, plus he injured a couple with his spurs...We took off the spurs this week and during the day I lock him outside the pen away from the girls...Well seems to have worked...

The corn in the front veggie garden is HUGE...last measured 2 weeks ago and reached 9 ft...it is taller now...Hubby is 5.11...I am excited to see what the ears look like as it is Bloody Butcher Heirloom...The basil has gone nutz too...it is almost as tall as lil Sara lol

With the heat the bee's are swarming the water again...If you enlarge this photo and look closely you can see the bees in the air around the birdbath too...this birdbath and all 3 water containers in the chicken house get filled twice a day and the bees continue to empty it...I can't wait till the hives are gone...The melon fields are done and they are no longer running the well...Might have to call the neighbor about the bees again *sigh*
That's it from me this week for the garden, been busy and it is just to hot to spend much time out there.
Blessings Kelsie
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Cottage Flora Thursday @ http://fishtailcottage.blogspot.com/
Flaunt Your Flowers/ Fertilizer Friday @ http://www.tootsietime.com/
Farm Friendly Friday @ http://www.verdefarm.com/
Farm Girl Friday @ http://www.deborahjeansdandelionhouse.com
Everything looks great! It's lucky you have so many bees to ensure pollination and have a great garden!
Such a pretty little girl to show us that egg. Glad you got your rooster under control. We have a rogue rooster here as well!
I had to do a double take. I first thought the bees were dirt in the your bird bath WOW that's a lot of bee's.. Happy Friday hope you and yours have a beautiful weekend.
hugs from Savannah, Cherry
Huge corn. I bet it will taste real good. I love the bees and we need them to pollinate but that is a lot of bees.
Girl ya'll stay safe with those fires blazing. That mess in Arizona is awful. I can't believe it has burned for such a long time now uncontrolled.
Did ya hear about the snow in Hawaii yesterday. Crazy weather. It is too hot to do anything outside. Stay cool.
I love your header photo...what a great idea for a planter!
Things sure are growing in your neck of the woods...we're just now putting in the garden...it's a very short growing season for us.
I wouldn't care for all those bees either! But, they do their job.
Your garden looks so lush! I too love your header photo! Very clever!
Oh, fresh eggs! We love them too, and right now, we are a rooster-free environment (unless the new chicks we hatched out earlier in the month contain a few 'boys'.)
The corn is growing so fast, and so is your little girl. Sometimes it would be so nice to slow things down just a bit, they grow up too fast.
The bees are really thirsty, oh, it would scare me to have them all swarming around.
Hadn't thought about bees being thirsty, but it makes sense doesn't it? Pretty flowers, garden, and family...
Interesting about the bees. Did you remove the rooster spurs with a potato? I've heard about that but have never tried it.
Your corn looks great:@)
what a cutie pie you have...and the fresh eggs I'm jealous! hanks for sharing
Geez, that corn stalk is huge! so glad you linked up to Cottage Flora Thursdays! ooxx, tracie
Hello Kelsie,
Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I really love your photos. Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful day and blessings always
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