Sunday, December 26, 2010

Not such a good day...

It must be Boxing Day because I feel like I have gone 3 rounds and lost to Mr Rocky Balboa himself.

My sweet little boy Cockatiel Spunky, was attacked thru the bars of his cage last night and has some serious wing damage...Maybe even a break, with it being Sunday and us living in the sticks I have to wait until tomorrow before I can start phoning around to find a vet that see's birds...The one Avian Vet in the area that I knew of retired last April :(....In the meantime I have been keeping him warm under my photo lamps and found the right dosage of aspirin to administer to a small bird via his water dish...This discovery btw was made at 6am while letting the dog out for a tinkle and discovering the poor Cockatiels had been left on the front porch over night.

Lil Sara seems to have fully recovered from the Strep Throat, but alas the antibiotics have not been kind and tomorrow we have to go back to the Dr to see what we can do about the side effect...This side effect leaving her extremely irritable when ever she tinkles...Poor little tike...The cold weather is still aggravating her asthma, so the Dr has her on a course of steroids as well...These make her even more irritable, so needless to say she is being a wee bit of a Cranky Puss Princess ATM.

And then round 3, was how cold it was here today...

Now I want to remind you Northern folks that I live in Florida, the sunshine state, the shorts and t-shirts for Christmas state...Well it was C-O-L-D here today...Cold enough that just 10miles up the road they had honest to goodness snow...THAT IS CRAZY...But how is this round 3 I can hear you thinking...Well today hubby works until after dark and I was alone here with a super cranky whiny sick toddler and could not go out to close the chicken house before dusk...I figured it would be ok, our dog is outside enjoying the cold weather (she is part Chow and loves the cold)...

Well when hubby got home he closed the chicken house first thing, but alas we are short one chicken...I am fixin' to go all Ma Kettle and sit on the porch in a rocker with my shotgun handy...2 weeks ago we lost our other duck...Now we are down to just a Rooster and 3 hens.

I think I am going to go get a hot shower and count my blessings, like hot running water...
Ma Kettle Out...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my! I am so sorry you had such a bad day! I sure hope both your daughter and bird are feeling better by tomorrow! My sister has chickens out at her place and the neighbors dog has come by and killed a couple - my brother in law is about ready to sit out with a gun too! I wanted to tell you that when you leave a comment on my blog, I try to respond to it via email and it always comes back undeliverable. Maybe the email it leaves for you is incorrect? Anyway - thanks for the comments, and I am glad I got to come and visit your place!


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