Monday, December 27, 2010

Boxing Day update....

So Spunky barely made it thru the night, and alas after calling about 20 vets within a 1oo mile radius, could only find 3 that see birds...Good news is one of them is local, bad news is the specialist is only there on Wed and Fri...The 2nd one is about 45minutes drive away but again the specialist is not in on Mondays *sigh*...Finally at 9.30am I was given a number to call by one of the vets for the University Of Florida's small animal hospital, they could see him at 11am and it was about an hours drive from here...

At this point I was not sure he was even strong enough to make the trip as he was sitting in the bottom of the cage and was too weak to even grip my finger with his feet...I settled him down on a soft cloth under the heat lamp and made the decision to take him to the local cat and dog vet and just have him put to sleep...It was a hard call to make being he has been my little buddy for over 5yrs.

I called a friend to sit with Sara while I took him to the vet, by the time I got myself and Sara out of our PJ's Spunky was taking his final nap...Poor little Schnitzel is in the cage calling for her lost mate...I am not sure if I will have to find her another companion or not...Right now I am in no place to even want to replace Spunky.

This video was taken last Dec in our old house right after the birds got their new cage...Spunky would just not stop singing after I put them in it.


  1. awwww, something you don't need to happen!!! hope everything turns out alright!

  2. Sorry to hear He did not make it sis.


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