Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas One and All

Though Santa's helper (me) had not slept in 4 days,
I managed to remember to take a photo of the presents under the tree at 1am this morning.

Sara opening her first present Christmas 2010

I hope your were blessed with lots of love, friendship and all that other good stuff like hope, joy and peace this Christmas.

Blessings Kelsie


  1. Hope you are having a Merry Christmas!!!

  2. Καλή μου ....χρόνια πολλά!!! Και γεμάτα υγεία!!
    Πανέμορφο δέντρο!!
    Και τι γλυκό κοριτσάκι!!
    Να είστε πάντα όλοι καλά !!

  3. Merry Christmas Kelsie! All of your beautiful unslept hours of work will be forever treasured by Sara. It is all worth it. Your daughter (and your tree) are just beautiful. Great Job Santa! *hugs* mo


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