Friday, August 20, 2010

First step towards a garden...

I am so excited to share the start of what I hope will become a glorious English garden as time goes by. Fortunately we do have lots of mature trees to work the garden beds around...and lets face it, when it comes to creating a mature looking garden, nothing gives you more impact than a big mature tree that has been around for a couple of decades or more..But that is not what I am going to be showing you today...Today it is all about a little pot of Evolvulus.

Yesterday finally had time to nip into the plant section at Walmart...I know it is a little late in the season for just getting started, but hey I have only been in the house a couple of months and have a 2yr old. So I am browsing thru the pitiful end of season plants and find these lovelies on clearance for 50% off. I am a sucker for blue, and who could resist such a pretty shade. I also found some butterfly bushes on clearance for $1.50 each because their blooms are spent...I need to dead head and get them in the ground later today (I hope)

So back to the Evolvulus, after dinner Sara was a good little helper and we got them into pots (there is actually 2 pots...One for either side of the front step)...I added a couple of marigolds for added texture and some contrast in color.

Sara is so proud to have her very own watering can. Notice the blue of the house behind her matches our new flowers...Or should that be the flowers match the house?? well which ever way you look at it, they match *grin*

With their roots in new soil and lots of water to drink (thnx Sara) I was rewarded with our first couple of blooms this morning....Oh so pretty.


Today I am sharing my pretty flowers for

1 comment:

  1. The little one looks so proud. She watered the plants for you. Beautiful blooms. Good deal on the plants.


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