Sunday, August 22, 2010

Curb Appeal Challenge.

So here it is, the front of the finished building materials on the porch, no saw-horses in the front yard...but this photo is very deceptive...In reality, we have no front lawn...this lovely lush green lawn is courtesy of my computer...

This is the real front of the house...The four of us spent hours out the front of the house pulling out weeds and bramble and the underbrush that was trying to return...You have to remember it was less than a year ago this was nothing but an over grown mess of wild cherry trees, rotten water oaks and lots and lots of thick we could not even walk around.

So the challenge is to take these supplies and start creating some defined areas for both garden beds and the lawn areas.... All these border packs came to me at 50% off...I cleaned out Dollar General and now have 100ft of borders, which should be enough to do the beds in the front of the house and around the pecan tree. I did the math and worked out I paid just 35cents per ft...Now the down side is they are black, but that is nothing a can of white spray paint can't fix...Which is the job on the top of my "Hope to do" list today.

I did find the time to dead head the butterfly bushes and they are looking great now...Even got a few blooms to show for my trouble of rescuing them from the clearance bin....Hubby went back and got the rest, so now we have a total of 5 to spread around the garden.

Hope yall are having a great weekend

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