Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Lil Farmer Brown...

Heading out to do the evening chores early today...

 Because, if you can't tell by the outfit, we are experiencing our first real cold snap here in North Central FL.

The eggs are still warm...A brown one from the old box...

And a green one from our new nesting boxes...

Making a total egg count of 3 green and 3 brown for the day.

And as I was about to turn to leave the coop I heard, Sara yelled at me "Look!!! I'm Lil Farmer Brown"...I turned around to see her posing with the rake...Truly her fathers daughter.

After the chickens we tucked in the goats and the plants and headed inside to get a big old pot of Collard Greens from my neighbors garden going...will serve it with some yellow rice and left over chicken/cheese pie from last night...Wish I had the fixin's for Chili tonight but it is not shopping day until tomorrow...So maybe tomorrow night...Hubby might even cook it since it is his day off  *wink*.
Blessings Kelsie


  1. burr...rr...it's cold here too, in Nashville..home all day...enjoying bloggin and FB'n too...Mel

  2. Tell the lil farmer girl she is a doll, and I love the outfit!! Some chili would be good. We have made it from 22 degrees this morning up to 39, and I think that is the high for today. Stay warm, and keep the lil farm girl and all of the critters warm.

  3. Kelsie,
    "Lil Farmer Brown stole my heart, again! Tell hubby there's just something so romantic about a man that cooks!...

  4. Love Lil Farmer Brown! How cute!
    Mmmmm, nothing better than chili on a chilly night! Even better when someone else cooks it!!!

  5. A fun memorable day for sure!!! She is a sweetheart! I hope she will always appreciate her time with growing up surrounded by more nature than most people get to see on a yearly basis.



  6. She looks so cute. The chicken cheese pie sounds really good. Could you post a recipe?

  7. How cute is farmer Brown! It has been cold here too, but today it warmed up to the 60's. That's what I like about the South, we have cold days, but they are spread out between really warm days.


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