Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Goat Playground

Today I moved a few things around in the goat pen hoping to create some interest in playing rather than eating...Deenie did seem pleased with the dog house move and explored inside and out.

 I enticed Boots on top with some oak leaves...Yes I know, kinda counter productive since it is supposed to give them something to do rather than eat 24/7.

Even with Boots showing the way, Deenie was less than impressed with the "balance beam"

Seems Boots will do about anything if you show him food, he crossed the beam a couple of times..

Now doesn't that all look like fun to you...I have a feeling Sara is going to be very excited by it after school today.

Blessings Kelsie

Sharing today for:
Farm Girl Friday @


  1. oh my how cute!! and I love the picture on your side bar of Lucy & Ethel....Happy New Year!
    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  2. love it!!! You have inspired me to work on a playground for my goats

  3. Kelsie --- What kind of collars do your goats wear and do they ever chew them off of each other?

    We had to work hard to make our Aussie stop chewing the collars off of the other dogs. So, I was wondering about goats. We are getting close to moving to the country and want to be able to train a couple of goats to walk by lead --- leash to different parts of the property that we'll be working on during that given day.

    I don't know if this is likely to happen, but I want to try.


  4. Well, it looks like fun to me - and I would probably want some food enticement, too!

  5. They look cute. Thank You! for the chicken and cheese pie recipe.

  6. Oh how cute! I've always wished I could have goats. I'm so happy to discover your fun blog!

  7. I love this! Our goats will be so jealous when I tell them! ;)

  8. They will bouncing around on those things in no time. What a good mama! My goats will stand on anything left on the ground for more than 30 seconds---a 2X4, pallets, roof panels, you name it. The problem is getting them off it!
    Stevie @

  9. It looks like a lot of goat fun!

  10. I"m a big goat. I think I'd smash that goat house if I hopped on it.


Thank you for visiting my blog and would love to what you have to say, so please leave a comment...Blessings Kelsie