Thursday, October 18, 2012

Deenie had a date today....

I know it has been a little while since my last post...ok so it has been a few excuse...summer was brutal with Sara off school and in need of entertainment for 15weeks...

We did VBS, we did the springs, we did the 4 week library program and we did swimming lessons...oh and not to mention march in the 4th of July parade and just run around like crazy in general...

Yes I know summer is now over... I have been catch up ever since school went back...and still am...I am delighted to say the Photography business has taken off and keeping me pretty busy.. and I am loving every minute of it...Just wish it paid enough so I could pay someone else to clean my house.

What has this all got to do with Deenie's date? not a thing, just making excuses for my long absents. Anyway let me give you a quick update of farmy stuff.

We are fostering 2 dogs from Aussie and Me Animal rescue...this was supposed to be a short time thing...couple of weeks then off they go...hmmm over 3 months later, still here...sweet dogs but they need to be moved on to a foster home better able to meet their training needs job was to simply house them and get them thru surgery, that was done 2 months ago.

The veggie garden was an epic fail this yr, as was everyone else in our rain, no winter to speak off (one mild overnight freeze) means bugs galore and everything bolding and not producing since we got days in the high 80's to mid 90's in early spring..

Sold the double wide mobile home *happy dance*...we took a bite, but hey we are out of dept for it....and it means we can move on to the next stage of our "farming plan"


Our prayers for fencing are about to be answered...with us supplying the goat wire and the neighbor providing most of the posts and the labor, the west boundary and half the northern one will have fence very very soon....then we will put in the interior cross fencing and YAY we will have some nice big grazing area full of improved pasture that will keep lots of goats and sheep fat and happy for about 10months of the excited, I can almost taste the roast lamb now :)

Which brings us to Deenie's date, (yes I know she is a goat...the lambs will be purchased in spring lol) today she was we put everything on hold, loaded her up and took to meet a good looking buck with a nice solid breeding line...and in about 5months we should have the first goats born to T.O.P.P Farm.


  1. I wondered what happened to you, and even sent you an email to see what was up and never heard back. Glad all is ok and great to see you back :)

  2. You've been busy! Congrats on all that you've gotten done, though. Sounds like you were hopping.

    Good luck with Deenie. She's really pretty!

  3. Glad all is o.k. Life gets in the way of blogging sometimes...

  4. Its amazing how quickly the time goes. I hadn't blogged for months either so am trying to do Blogtober - but still trying to blog everyday is a task. Good luck getting your dogs rehomed

  5. Omgosh, Deenie is GORGEOUS! I love her markings! What type of goat is she? My 3 Nubians gave birth around 6 weeks ago and the kids are so much fun to watch prancing and playing together. I can't wait to see Deenies offspring, I imagine they will be breathtaking!

  6. Congratulations to you and Deenie. She is a lovely doe!

  7. Hello There,
    I just found your beautiful blog and can't stop reading. Every thing is so pretty around here. I Became your newest follower and look forward to your future posts.
    Lots of Love,
    Chloe from Lobley Cottage blog.


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