Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Vacation Bible School 2012

 We are VBSing all this week...Actually it started over a week ago for us, as I was on the decorating crew starting last Tuesday.

Sara is loving it and learning lots and playing super hard with all her friends...

I was (surprise surprise) nominated Photographer...
So far I have done "passport" photos for 85 children and LOTS of candid shots for our slide show...should be quiet a power point tomorrow night lol

The wee-ones make a train to get from location to cute...though it does derail occasionally, which is apt to happen when dealing with eighteen 3 to 4 year olds lol.

One of the highlights each night is dinner at the base of an active volcano.

Will try and share more photos after I have recovered from all the fun we are having with

Amazing Wonders Aviation VBS

Blessings Kelsie


  1. I loved seeing how much fun my kids had at VBS. Although we were members at the local Presbyterian church, my boys went to the Baptist AND the Presbyterian VBS! Oh, and one year we went Methodist, too.
    The kids are so cute!

  2. The kids look like they are having a blast


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