Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Canning has begun for 2012

Yesterday afternoon a blanched and frozen 2 full gallon freezer bags of green beans.

Mummy's little Bean Snapper hard at work
Please note the mouthful of beans.

Bean creative..
Still a mouthful of beans...it is a wonder there was any left to freeze.

Today hubby and I did 6qts of Bread and Butter Pickles (BnBP) and 9qts of Pickled Yellow Squash.
For those wondering how to pickle squash...same as BnBP's but add thinly sliced green pepper and onion...They can also be diced and used as a relish mmmmmmMMMMM good.

The best part, we have not even started to harvest our own garden...The beans and squash came from Mr Jr's garden (Neighbor down the road) and the cucumbers where being given away at Sara's DayCare by one of the workers fathers.

Blessings Kelsie


  1. Wow! I have to admit I am a little bit jealous as it hasn't been warm enough here yet to even plant.

  2. Free is always good! I have already had squash and cabbage from my garden.

  3. How wonderful that Sara loves vege's! Good job, Mom!

  4. Awesome! Your so lucky to able to can things already. It's finally getting warm here in Oregon, but it will be months before I am fillin' jars. What a sweet helper ♥ Snappin' beans is so much fun!

  5. Here in Washington we're JUST NOW planting our garden... and you're already getting fresh veggies! Amazing! So do you all have enough time to grow two crops down there with your long season?


  6. Looks like fun and the end result will be wonderful...btw- your little bean snapper is too darling!


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