Monday, April 2, 2012

Releasing the hound...

Rocky did so well tonight...he actually HERDED the goats on command...3 times he rounded them up and brought them back to me...I am pretty sure he could have done even better following instructions had I not had a squealing 3yr old in tow...

It started yesterday with me trusting him enough to allow him off of his leash in the non "cat zone" with the goats present...

Then tonight they goats refused to follow us out to the field, wanting to stay at the first blade of grass they came to...So I figured I had very little to lose, and RELEASED THE HOUND
He got back behind them and pushed them forward towards me....

Not bad for a dog that still will not "down" or "stay"....he will however "come" and "sit" (without moving as long as I am standing next to him)....Small victories, but very encouraging.

Blessings Kelsie


  1. What fun! I think the key, as you mention, is trust!

  2. Great success story there! Sounds like you're doing a great job with him. :)

  3. Good Rocky!! It's his instinct and I just love to watch them do what they do best. So excited for you.


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