Thursday, January 12, 2012

Random Chicken Post

I love taking photos of the chickens...Don't ask me why, I just do.

We walked around the side of the house the other day and was spotted by the chickens, one second they where at the goat pen, the next second making a bee-line (or should I say a chicken-line) for us.

They love Lil Sara, she usually brings them food...Sometimes they will even eat directly from her hand.

I really do love seeing such happy chickens, making happy chicken noises around my house.

Providers of hours of endless entertainment and yummy eggs.

And oh so pretty

Blessings Kelsie

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  1. I love watching chickens, too, and can't wait to do some chicken watching in my backyard!
    You have quite a flock! What do you do with all of the eggs?!!!

  2. Kelsie, truth be told, you have company. I love to watch and photograph my chickens. They have no idea their images and funny ways are going down in film and it makes it all the more fun.

  3. I was going to say, the hen in your last photo looks like she's wearing a beard! :0

  4. Your chicks are so lucky to have you and lil Sara! Ours will follow us around too, although they are in a large fenced in area now, they will still walk the fence line. They are amusing creatures, aren't they?

  5. Kelsie --- these are such fun, beautiful pictures of your chickens and child!! Chickens are indeed a delight. I will be so excited to get different breeds once we move. And the eggs...they are awesome!


  6. I could sit out with my chickens all day. They're always waiting for me in the morns and will bust out of the coop if they hear me during the day.

    I need more.

  7. Oh, how sweet. I love chickens too and I miss my chickens - we've only got bantams left because they are pretty self-sufficient if we're gone for a few days - which we quite frequently are.

  8. I love chickens, they make the world a happy place (roosters on the other hand...)! Thanks for sharing your pictures. Did I spot some Aracaunas? I'm your newest follower, check out my blog for some of my farm pics :-)

  9. Lately I have been liking chickens too. What's that about?

  10. Nothing like that country living!!

  11. I love seeing photos of chickens! I've been thinking of getting some for quite some time now.

  12. I totally know how you feel! You have some really pretty girls. We are hoping to expand the breeds we have this spring. I do want to add some wynadottes, marans, and others! Thanks for sharing!

  13. My niece also loved to play with the chickens..The first time they see you in the morning, they would follow you until you give them something to eat.

  14. Kelsie first of all I have to say I love your blog banner! It is just very attention grabbing! Also I can tell you feel about your chickens the way I do you just love them and you can tell! Come on over to the Ole Saturday Homesteading Trading Post and share this post over there! I would love for my blog readers to see your beautiful chickens and your blog!

  15. Our daughter and her family have chickens too. I loved this random chicken post. Thank you for participating in the Thursday Favorite Things hop. xo

  16. Our daughter and her family have chickens too. I loved this random chicken post. Thank you for participating in the Thursday Favorite Things hop. xo

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