Friday, January 20, 2012

Home Land Security....

It was all hands on deck yesterday as we rallied together as a family to defend what is ours...

Or at least what is left....Do you see those 12 lovely green, romaine lettuce plants??
No, me either...What I do see is scratch holes where they used to be and my compost and mulch flung around the garden.

Desperate times call for desparate measures...

Even the youngest dug in and helped...

Then supervised some more.... 

Our front line of de-Fence started to take shape by early afternoon....

Do not worry my lovelies...We will protect you from those ravenous meandering chickens.

Obviously we still needed to attach the chicken wire at this point...but how cute and rustic is it looking??

And finally a use for all cherry Laurel TREES we have all over the property.

We ran out of time, wire (15 ft short, wouldn't you know it) and light yesterday, but hope to finish up today...

Blessings Kelsie


  1. It is always something in the country!We had fresh brussel sprouts from the garden last night.

  2. Love your little photo stories.....xx Jodie

  3. Thanks for making me laugh. The second photo did it!
    I do think your rustic fence is adorable. What a wonderful idea! It would have been so much easier to sink a few T posts... but it wouldn't have any charm at all! You guys do it right!

  4. Ha, wouldn't you know, I have about 15 ft of wire not doing anything right now. I don't deliver. ;)

    Pesky girls... tsk

  5. Love it! I was thinking the same thing for the additional beds I am adding in the spring. Great minds think alike.

  6. Great solution. Every year I try out more ideas to keep the deer, chipmunks, and rabbits from eating my flowers - there isn't room for fencing so close to the house so I've made little wire enclosures, which seem to help.

    I can't get over how very Spring-y it looks at your house! Snow and bitter temps here until at least May.

    Thanks for popping over to visit me. Enjoy your painting!


  7. That fence is looking great! You must have heavy bodied chickens. I believe mine would go over that.

  8. Kelsie,
    With all that hard work and supervision...where's de~Fence???

  9. Kelsie,
    That is a pretty fence. The images of your adorable little girl helping are too cute. So sorry about your chickens getting at the romaines, but it does make for a cute story. Have a great week.


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