Sunday, January 8, 2012

Goin' on a Bug Hunt!!

Saturday we went ladybug hunting...

I guess Sara must have heard they like bright colors when she got dressed this morning...NOTE the gloves, I was told you need these incase you find frogs, "cause they is gicky" 

We looked under the front steps at the old house...Nope, no bugs...perhaps these chickens ate them all.

We checked at "Sara's Tree"...A gift from a neighbor while I was pregnant...NOPE no bugs there..

We found Diablo the stray cat that...yes we feed....was abandoned on our property a few months back....He might have bugs but I was not going to get close enough to find out.

After all the walkin' and huntin' we needed a break...So we sat on the back of daddy's 1958 Volvo to rest.

Nardia was like...That is enough 'laxin' let's go !!!

So we headed over to the veggie garden.

Hmmm...Something has been nibbling on the cabbages...I think it might have long ears and a fluffy tail.

It also bounded thru the Romaine lettuce and snapped them off...I think I would prefer to see them eaten than wasted.

Carrots are looking good...Thank goodness no bugs here.

Seems the cold snap (18F) two nights in a row has taken care of all the bugs...It also took care of the pepper plants as well...Our temp greenhouse did allow us to harvest another basket of fruit before this happened though.

Well if we can't find bugs...Let's go play in the goat playgound instead.

Boots says "Don't forget about me"

Maybe when it gets a little warmer we will see the Ladybugs at our house again.

Blessing Kelsie


  1. Hi Kelsie, I can't believe how fast little Sara is growing...

  2. Sara looked so cute, seems like you
    Had agreat time.

  3. Awww, poor lettuce and poor pepper plants. I am so tired of bunnies... they are all over the place! This morning we saw four from our front window!
    Too bad Lil Sara didn't find lady bugs. I guess she will have to wait for a warmer day!

  4. Kelsie,
    looks like an amazing day @ Our Country Home! Where's the photo of the bunny??? Ha! Love Sara's attire!!!

  5. How cute! We always find ladybugs in my daughter's room at the end of winter when it's still cold. I'm not sure how they get in there, but they show up every year!

  6. Such a sweet bug hunt! Sara is adorable and growing leaps and bounds.

  7. Dang Sara is shooting up like a weed! She is adorable and I love her clothes...

  8. Oh and I have very similar looking chickens that I have repainted and placed in the flower garden...


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