Friday, December 16, 2011

Something is wrong with this picture...

As I mentioned earlier in the week 
Life on a Southern Farm ran a Chicken Nest Box giveaway and *happy chicken dance* I won.
It was delivered on Wednesday...Now that is impressive folks...Winner was announced Sunday...and yup prize in hand by Wed....FarmWoman and FarmMan ROCK!!

Ok so now you are all caught up...So I installed the boxes...By installed I mean I popped it on a couple of bricks inside the pen because our coop is too small and "temporary" until I win lotto (hey could happen, I just won the nesting boxes, I am feeling pretty lucky...and yes I did buy a lotto ticket this week) and build a good size barn/chicken house.

This morning since I had noticed the bedding had been disturbed but no eggs yet, I popped a marked egg into one of the boxes to see if that would entice the ladies to do their thing in the shinny new digs. And this seemed to be working...Lots of interest was being shown to the boxes and my little white Easter Egger even got into the box and was fluffing around etc, but then....

She was chased out and the chaser took over the box.... 

 Have a closer look who is in there....

 Ok, try from this view...

 Yes my STOOPID (too old to kill and even make stock from) rooster Bravo...So I chased his butt out of the box...

and back in she went...Oh joy oh rapture, I am so excited to find me a little green egg in the shiny new Nesting Box today...

Or will I??

Every time I check Mr Gender Confused, Might Be Good for Stock Anyway Bravo is chasing her out again...

Does anyone else have a rooster that does this?

Oh and when the girls are doing their "Chicken Song"...he is right outside the box joining in the chorus...actually he is even louder than they are...I might have to try videoing that one to share.

Blessings Kelsie

Sharing for

Farm Girl Friday @


  1. Hey, wait a minute. That was supposed to be MY nest box! Oh...drat. I didn't win. Frowny face! But... I'm happy you won and you already have the chickens...
    who may have laid an egg in there right this very minute!!!

  2. Silly Rooster!! If in general he is a nice rooster, don't chop his head! He'll quit his antics after the newness wears off :-)

  3. TOO funny! Our rooster sometimes will run of his least favorite hens to allow room for his favorite hens to come into the nest box if that makes sense. Roosters are strange critters for sure, but they are loads of fun to have!

    Great blog!

  4. Cracking up over your gender confused rooster.

  5. Kelsie! Does that gender confused Rooster still have the run of the roost? I yi yi! Too funny!

  6. That's so funny!
    I have four roosters locked up in the goat barn right now. This morning one of them was doing the "chicken song" as you call it (I love it!) very lound and long. I thought, "What in the world? They are all roosters, aren't they?" Had to double check, but yep, they are indeed all roosters. Crazy chickens. :)

  7. I don't have a Rooster. Which is probable a good thing. Since I have a hen that thinks she is Rocky. That would be a Fight I wouldn't want to see.

  8. LOL what a riot! He's doing his job - keeping you hopping and laughing!

  9. too funny! i had seen that you won the nesting boxes. very cool! hope it works for your hens!

  10. Your nest boxes are lovely. I haven't had my roos in the chickens' nest boxes, but I do occasionally find them in the ducks' nest boxes. I think they're either just checking them out, or they think they're comfortable, so they're taking a break in them. The one thing I've noticed about all my roos is that they have to be in the middle of things--maybe yours is just checking things out and once the novelty has worn off, he'll move on. I wouldn't worry about it unless he runs off your hens.

    Boys are so silly!

  11. I also just installed new nest boxes and had the same problem with my rooster! I still have no idea why, but he eventually got over it, so I wouldn't chop Bravo just yet :)

  12. My rooster always sat outside of the nestbox and 'talked' to the hens when they went in. I assumed that he was just encouraging them and offering his support like any good expectant father should!

    He would go into the nest box to try to show the hens that it was a good place to be. Although, I must admit, I never saw him chase a hen OUT of the box.

    Good luck! I'm sure you'll get eggs soon.

    Speaking of weird roosters ~ My sister has one that has NEVER crowed. He's beautiful. A big, clearly masculine boy, but has never even attempted to crow!


Thank you for visiting my blog and would love to what you have to say, so please leave a comment...Blessings Kelsie