Thursday, December 8, 2011

A little Christmas Miracle ...

I have been meaning to do a Christmas tour of my house to share, but well, we got a little tired up with other things.
 In the living room are boxes that were supposed to be returned to the attic a week ago...The "Santa Chair" next to the tree is buried under clean laundry...I am nursing a sick chicken, oh and I just booked my first paying job doing a Family Portrait photoshoot this weekend...
I thought I better practice getting some pretty Christmas light photos...and as you can see, my model was so happy to help me...
She did perk up a little bit when I told her I would pay her for her work with a lolly-pop.

I am so excited to have this work come my way after many prayers about finding some work to help out, and will still leave me available for my kids and of course the day to day chores on our little farm...God truly does listen and answers us...Praise the Lord.

Blessings Kelsie

Sharing for Show and Tell Friday @


  1. This is so cute Kelsie, and would make an adorable card. Best of luck with your first paying job. You will do great, and you will be so busy before you know it!

  2. Love the warm and shadowy light the christmas ligts give out. These are beautiful pictures..Congratulations on your photo shoot booking...Hope there is many more for you...

  3. The photos are so cute. All the best with your photoshoot this weekend!

  4. Your photos are beautiful (so is your model)! You are very creative.

    God is good at arranging things to answer our prayers. I pray your new business does well.

  5. Kelsie,
    Sara looks so adorable in the lights!!!I am thrilled that God has answered your prayers for "extra" income. The families you photograph will have your beautiful work for many years of memories! God continue to richly bless you in your endeavors!!!

  6. Love the pictures I think it's such a cute pose I wish I could turn back time and do that shot with my just would'nt be the same with a 12, 15 & 18 yr old wrapped in lights lol
    Have a blessed Christmas season!

  7. How beautiful! I love her toes and how buys they were! It looks like she was trying to find the perfect light bulb and yes... finally, here it is!

  8. Kelsie, another fantastic photo shoot! I can see you are on your way to a whole new career, these candid shots are wonderful!

  9. God does answer prayers-in his own tme. The photos are adorable!

  10. Those are great warm-up pictures. You have a beautiful model.


Thank you for visiting my blog and would love to what you have to say, so please leave a comment...Blessings Kelsie