Saturday, December 10, 2011

I won the HenPals Nest Box Give Away

Life on a Southern Farm ran an awesome Chicken Nest Box giveaway...And I woke up this morning to an email from FarmWoman Pam that I have won...I am so excited and can't wait to find my first egg in the new fancy smancy Nest Box that FarmMan built...

If your chickens would like one of these boxes you should go check them out on the website

Blessings Kelsie


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. I have got to learn to photo shop, love the chicken ( Light Brahma?) with the Santa hat.

    My chickens would love a new nest box, but of course, they are very appreciative of anything I put in their coops just for them. I am sure they would find a new nest box the best thing in their world to check out, sit in, maybe lay an egg in, of course after much vying for the highest place in the pecking order,after which they would all fall in line to lay their eggs in a new nest box!

  3. I agree with Kathy I need to learn to photo shop too. Unfortunately I have a small coop,so there isn't room for a new nesting box.But it's a great giveaway.

  4. Congratulations Kelsie! You are the winner of the HenPals 2 hole chicken nest box!

    (I'll e-mail you for your address)
    Thanks for entering the giveaway.

  5. Kelsie,
    You're spoiling those chickens, darling!!!


Thank you for visiting my blog and would love to what you have to say, so please leave a comment...Blessings Kelsie