As someone born and raised on the only continent in the world that does not have wild squirrels (other than those that have escaped zoos) I have a special fascination with these cute little tree rodents ever since moving to the USA...In fact during my first visit to the USA almost 35% of the photographs I took home were of the squirrel playing in the front yard of the house in Charlotte NC...I was totally enchanted.

Since moving to FL 7yrs ago I have always felt a special delight each time I see the big Eastern Fox Squirrel (that is what the "locals" tell me they are called...or cat squirrels) ....These guys are huge compared to the small grey and red squirrels I had grown so fond of in NC....The first time one darted across the road in front of me I was sure it was a cat because of it's size....I slammed on my breaks and then watch it dart half way up a tree on the other side of the road, spin around to twitch it's tail and tell me "what for" as only a squirrel can...

Alas we have never been graced with one of these guys on our property...at least not that I had seen...that was until today....Me thinks he might be after some of those pears since that is what brings in the small Eastern Grays (and lots of birds) to the trees just 30ft from our backdoor.

Isn't he/she just gorgeous...and since we have more than enough pears to share...I hope our new visitor decides to stay for awhile so we can enjoy watching his/her squirrel antics.
Blessings Kelsie
That is awesome!!!!
ReplyDeleteCute squirrel! Hope you can get lots more pictures! :)
ReplyDeleteSquirrels are so cute and fun to watch. They can cause a lot of damage when you have to many of them, though. I'm happy that we seem to have just the right amount of them on our 13 acres...
ReplyDeleteWe have squirrels that sneak into our chicken house and eat the feed that's left behind each night. We enjoy watching them come and go. Pop teases me about putting them in the skillet, but I know he enjoys watching them as much as I do each morning.
ReplyDeleteHe looks fat and sassy!
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting to hear about unique squirrels that live in a small niche. Near where I just moved from they have black tufted-earred squirrels - they are rather large and they are really cute, too.
They are very entertaining to watch, but very destructive. They will dig up some of your flower bulbs and eat them and even grass! They will also eat every tomato you have-we have to net our tomatoes every year.
ReplyDeleteOh no I do not like squirrels at all!
ReplyDeleteWhat a BeAuTiFuL squirrel! They are so very much fun to watch. We have big gray squirrels here in Oregon. I just saw my first one this week:) They get really busy this time of year packing away food for winter... I think it must be a sign fall is almost here!
ReplyDeleteSquirrels aren't too destructive around here, which is a good thing, since we have enough destructive stuff to deal with already. I have never seen a squirrel as big as the one you are showing today. A county away from us has a population of coal black squirrels, those always stop me in my tracks when I see them.
ReplyDeleteYour squirrel is lucky to be living nearby to you where no harm will come to him, probably wouldn't be so lucky elsewhere!
I love the squirrels we have around here. They are such a delight to watch. It's always fun when they are young and don't mind being my photo subjects.
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome!
ReplyDeleteMy backyard is full of squirrels...our cats love to chase after them...playing "catch me if you can"...lol...fun watching them play "Tag"...all over the yard and up and down trees...thanks for commenting over at Mel's Designs from the Cabin....Mel
ReplyDeleteHe looks totally relaxed in your tree... are they anything like our possums here, eating all our fruit??