Saturday, September 10, 2011

Changing Seasons.

There is change in the air at Our Country Home...The evenings are getting a little cooler and the tad shorter...The mornings have a crispness to them that requires wearing a jacket on the way to drop Lil Sara off to Head Start....The pears are turning a more pronounced shade of yellow and if only I could reach them I could be busy canning...

Or maybe I should be busy weeding the garden by the looks of the shagginess around the suitcase...Look how much the rose has grown since late spring...big difference between this photo and that in the header I think.

I am excited that the rescued pink cone flower is blooming...I thought I might have to wait for next year to see it's beauty...After all it was just a mess of almost complete browned leaves and spent flowers when I grabbed it for 50cents from the clearance rack at Walmart.

But there are other changes on the way besides those in the garden...My eldest daughter will be moving home next weekend...Can I contain my excitement? NO!!!...I have missed her so much and though I know her return might only be for a little while, does not stop me from being UBER UBER excited about it.

I am also excited to see my lovely in-laws this week as they will be arriving from out of state on Wed and spending the night with us, my only wish is that they could stay longer and would not be taking my hubby with them when they leave again Thursday...He will be making a journey to North Carolina to gather more car stuff (because apparently you can never have enough)..He will return Sunday with a U-haul and as much of the "stuff" as he can fit in it...I am not so secretly wishing for some old window frames to make their way here also *wink*

Lil Sara is doing great since her surgery, she is sleeping better and quieter...have not heard her snore like an old man (or at all) since the surgery...Her tantrums are most definitely milder than they were...I guess that is a sign she is not overtired all the time now...Now the fun part of training her with a proper bedtime routine begins.

The other exciting news is we have gather enough funds to purchase the materials required to build a secure predator proof goat pen with shelter for at night as well as fencing for their grazing pasture...So just as soon as hubby gets back from NC we can work on getting our goats home at last.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend too.
Blessings Kelsie

with Beverly @


  1. Happy PS! Sounds like you have some great things coming your way! YIPPEE!!
    How all your wishes come true!
    And good luck with the goat pen!

  2. it is all lovely, your rose did grow quite a bit...Does your suitcase garden have a bottom? Next year Zinnia, I have always like those...and if I can find a suitcase? enjoy your time with your incoming family....that lightening picture is aewsome.

  3. I like the box idea.

    My Pink is at my Nostalgic Marveling blog, hope you can visit. Thanks and have a blessed day!

  4. that suitcase in the garden is so adorable, love it! Hope you have a fun pink weekend!

  5. So glad your daughter is coming home Kelsie.. let the fun begin..

  6. sounds like everything is falling into place. You are starting to cool down over there as we warm up (well hopefully we warm up). Sun is shining today!! Your photos are so wonderful - xo

  7. So happy your little daughter is doing so well and that your older is coming home, even if for a short time. I am in Florida too, but on the Gulf Coast and it sure is not cool enough in the mornings for a light jacket. I want to come where you are, lol. Your suitcase in the garden is so charming.

  8. I am overjoyed for you and your family to have your daughter coming home. It's great to hear that Sara is sleeping much better. Thanks for sharing your beautiful flowers with us.

  9. Wish I could share my purple coneflowers with you- they are coming up like weeds around here! I will mail you some seeds if you like. I am hating to have to dig up these plants and throw them away, but I have given some to everybody!


Thank you for visiting my blog and would love to what you have to say, so please leave a comment...Blessings Kelsie