Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sara's Sleep Study

My baby snores...No not just a little, but OLD MAN snores...She also has had numerous ear infections and bouts of Strep and has the hugest tonsils you have ever seen...Plus at almost 3yrs old she still wakes during the night sometimes 2 or 3 times... So to try and get to the bottom of this her Dr sent her for a sleep study...Here are the photos of her being wired up...

We had brought along a movie to keep her occupied but alas the DVD would not work. But it was ok, our wonderful Tec Victor to the rescue, he found one of the Simpsons Movie...Thank goodness she is so young and all the smut went over her head...She was totally riveted to it having never actually seen The Simpsons before.

Having had a sleep study done on myself helped me to understand what they would be doing to her which made it easier all round I think...

I also showed her lots of photos online of kids at various stages of being wired for sleep studies so she also knew what they were going to be doing to her...I did this by simply Googling "Sleep Study Kids" and going directly to the images page.

I took the time to braid the front of her hair so it was out of the way but allowed them to get the electrodes on her scalp...On an adult this is pretty much were they stop..

But on the kids they wrap the head like a mummy so they do not pull anything off during the night....Look how still she is sitting...She made us so super proud...She did not complain or even move around while Victor wired and wrapped her up...

The tube in her nose is not oxygen being pumped in but actually measures the carbon dioxide exhaled thru the nose during her sleep...this ready of course only works on nose breathers...

Here she is all wired and taped up...What a good girl she is...

Into bed and asking for her stinky rag (oops I mean snuggly blanket) and Buzz

Let the study begin..

The Ped-Sleep Doctor will read the results and then send a report thru to our Doctor...It could take a couple of weeks...So now we wait...

Blessing Kelsie


  1. Awe, that sweet baby girl. Tell her that I said she looked like such a big girl in these pics. I probably wouldn't have done this good myself!

  2. Can't even imagine being 3 years old and being hooked up to all that- must've been scary for her but looks like she handled it like a champion! I hope everything turns out ok. Give Sara a big hug for us and tell her we think she's a trooper!

  3. She did a great job!! I was a little nervous when I got mine done. Maybe I needed to bring a stinky rag, buzz lightyear and my mommy.

    Hope they come up with an easy fix to her issues.

  4. What a good girl! Poor thing. So thankful it's just for a sleep study and not something more awful. So did so well! I'll be praying for wisdom from the doctors and that she'll sleep well soon!

  5. What a precious little girl. I'll be praying they find a quick fix for her sleeping problems. I have sleep apnea and rarely get a good night's sleep.

  6. Kelsie,
    I just read your blog & I wanted to let you know about my Grand daughter that had the same problems! She snored so loud that I couldn't sleep in the room next to her! She was always sick with the same problems that you mentioned. My daughter finally had them take her Tonsils out & no more problems! She will be 14 this September & is very healthy!

  7. Kelsie,
    Keep us posted on "lil Sara's reports!!! You are a brave Mommie...what a scary looking set up!

  8. Hi Sara,
    You are a very brave little girl and a pretty one also. Your mommy told us and showed us everything about the study they are doing. I will pray that all goes well for you and I know that you will continue to be the good little girl that you are. Say hi to your mommy for me.


Thank you for visiting my blog and would love to what you have to say, so please leave a comment...Blessings Kelsie