Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Spring continues to fill my garden with lovely surprises...

What a fun surprise to find this cute fat (not so little) caterpillar munching away on my dill..Thanks to my MIL's research we found out he will become a Black Swallowtail butterfly.

I am thrilled by the sheer number and different types of butterflies we have flitting around the garden this year...I planted with hopes of attracting them, but was not expecting so many...

I have always admired images of cone flowers and was surprised to have them bloom in my own garden this week courtesy of the cottage mix seeds I scattered back in Feb...Anyone who follows my blog will have figured out by now I am totally loving the number of flowers I have gotten from this one $1.99 box of seeds from Dollar General..Will be buying more of them next year for sure...Not to mention allowing my current flowers to reseed as well..

And just as I was about to give up, the White Wisteria seeds my MIL sent me have finally begun to grow...I was ready to toss the soil back into the bag of potting soil to be reused else where...Not any more...

And an update on my baby wrens...They are now a week old and I finally was able to get a non-blurred photo of them...You look at them like this and it is hard to believe they will be ready to fly in just one more week...Mom and dad work around the clock during daylight hours bringing them lots of tasty morsels...When you are on the porch you can hear them calling for more food non-stop also...I think my cockatiels are enjoying having some bird company on the porch.

Blessings Kelsie

Sharing this post for
Outdoor Wednesday @

Cottage Flora Thursday @
Flaunt Your Flowers/ Fertilizer Friday @


  1. Beautiful garden stroll! Such pretty pictures and the babies are so sweet...isn't it so fun to watch the butterflies and birds!!!

  2. Enjoyed seeing your garden and the baby birds and butterflies. So pretty and colorful!

  3. Your photos are fantastic. So clear--how DID you catch that butterfly standing still?

  4. Thanks Kelsie for linking up to Cottage Flora Thursdays this week! How in the world did you get such gorgeous photo's of the nature in your garden? i see something & run to get my camera & by the time i return - its gone! oxox, tracie

  5. The garden look's lovely, you have done
    a great job with it all, Beka is trying to make vege patch but the dog keeps eating the seedlings.

    Send all my love Carol xoxoxo

  6. Amazing caterpillar, so beautifully colored even it eats your dill:)

  7. Love the butterfly cat, nice image of the Gulf Fritillary Butterfly. It's too hot to germinate many things here right now. Precious new baby birds.

  8. Wonderful photos. Great catch with the butterfly. Lucky you that you are able to hear and watch the baby birds.

  9. I love those baby wrens!!! They are so cute! Ours always build in a can or something and we always have to keep a close watch over them when they fledge, our cat and two dogs would love to have them for brunch.
    I love all the butterflies too...great shots!

  10. Oh beautiful are your photos! I love all the little surprise blooming around your garden.

    Happy Cottage flora Thursday!

  11. Wrens are my favorite bird, they are so cute with their little tails sticking up in the air!

  12. just used your photo in an invite to invite more gardeners to Cottage Flora Thursday's - hope that was okay?!? if not, let me know & i'll remove it. xoxo, tracie

  13. Your photo[s are great! Love what you have captured in them - thanks for sharing, Paula in Idaho

  14. hi there. those are great photos. :)

    popped over from debbie at swampbilly's place to say hello and congrats on your blog award! i know i've been here before as i remember your great header photo. :)


Thank you for visiting my blog and would love to what you have to say, so please leave a comment...Blessings Kelsie