Thursday, April 28, 2011

Butterflies and Watermelon

The butterfly bushes are full of blooms and butterflies...

I would have liked to share more photos of them but between their fluttering and the wind, these were the only 2 butterfly photos I could get yesterday...

Pretty Kitty AKA Piglet...
She is one the 4 "barn cats" that spend all day sleeping on the porch or inside the house whenever a door is opened...They are a little confused as to their roll around here.

Out the back the cucumbers are blooming...

The tomatoes are producing lots of fruit...

And getting quite big already...

The corn is also getting quiet tall too...It is amazing how a row of 72 plants can look so small when next to acres of watermelon plants...

I had gone out to try and get some photos of the watermelon blooms and was surprised to find there are already melons in the field...

Blessings Kelsie

Joining the following parties this week:
Cottage Flora Thursday’s

Farm Friendly Friday @
Flaunt Your Flowers / Fertilizer Friday @


  1. Wow,your so far ahead of us in the garden,we can only plant potatoes,peas,etc so far.
    Those butterfly bushes are beautiful as is your kitty!!

  2. Kelsie, you have melons already? Oh, wow. And 4' tall cornstalks? I just have to keep telling myself Spring will arrive this year so we can play frantic catch-up.

    The butterfly bush is really just what it's name says it is, a bush full of butterflies. How pretty. Love your kitty, too!

  3. WOW! You are so much further ahead than we are. I wish my butterfly bush would attract the butterflys like yours does

  4. you are WAY ahead of us here!!! we can't even dig yet outside...the snow just melted off...and we are getting a bit more tonight! I hope it goes away for a few months soon!!!
    your piglet is adorable...funny how the chubby ones always try to sleep around on the smallest chairs! hahaha

  5. Happy Friday to you and Piglet!
    it isn't going to be long and ya'll are going to be eating some yummy fresh groceries...

    hugs from Savannah, Cherry

  6. Kelsie, lovely...thank you!
    Adore the photo of Piglet, as well!

  7. Hi Kelsie,
    I love the colour of the tomatoes; lovely shade of green! I cannot believe how much further ahead your growing season is compared to ours! Great pictures of the butterflies and Piglet. Enjoy your weekend and thanks for your visit.


  8. Wow...I'll just start planting this weekend. Nice to see what you've accomplished already. Wish our growing season was longer, but I'll make do and live through the photos and stories of others!

  9. I am amazed at all you are doing in your garden! Love your header too! Thanks for sharing, gives me hope for summer!!! Paula in Idaho

  10. Wow, just look at those tomatoes and melons. What a wonderful looking garden. The butterflies are so pretty. What a pretty kitty. I have never saw one with so many markings on it.LOL!

  11. Now if I can see my vegetables come up as pretty as yours are, I will really be happy!!

  12. You are right ahead of us, everything looks so healthy and happy! Love that color of butterfly bush! (nice 'barn' cat too!)

  13. The butterfly pictures are amazing. I love your barn kitty! Your garden is looking quite productive.

  14. The butterfly pictures are delightful! Well done! Beautiful blog :) Cheers, Jenni

  15. Thanks so much for linking up to Cottage Flora Thursday's - always love coming to visit your blog! The butterflies are so sweet! xoxo, tracie

  16. Such beautiful photos Kelsie!
    Thanks for sharing your early crops with us on Farmgirl Friday!


Thank you for visiting my blog and would love to what you have to say, so please leave a comment...Blessings Kelsie