While I share some photos of the garden with you, I wanted to also share a couple of little stories with you...Since moving out here in the country there have been a couple of moments that have made me truly Laugh Out Loud...and reminded me just how "county" it can be around here...
Ma and Pa Bunny add a little Easter whimsy to the table on the front porch. The first time was a couple of years back when driving through the only traffic light in town during lunch time "rush hour" in our thriving metropolis...and a tractor passed me going in the opposite direction...I know we have all seen tractors driving down the road, but how often do you see them going through a set of traffic lights ?...More often than you think here actually...I have seen it a couple more times, but the memory of that first time always makes me smile...
Someone made a mess on the front porch...The second country chuckle is actually a couple memories, but of the same donkey...He is rather stubborn as donkey's tend to be...When the horses were still living next door to the south of us, the donkey from the farm across the road would try to come visit them...He would escape from the field he was supposed to be in and come to the gate directly across from the horses and bay like a crazy ummmm...donkey lol.
The bachelors needed to be separated...6 in one cell is just too many...the other seedlings should be fine in this tray, as I not, lil Sara planted those seed and there is only 1 or 2 per cell.. The first time we spent a couple of hours very entertained as the farm hands (3 of them) tried to get said donkey back to where he belonged...Oh we laughed so hard as he outwitted, outran and outsmart them over and over...I am sure us laughing did not make the farm hands any happier at the donkey...the best bit was when they finally got him back into his "field"... only to have about 20 head of cattle escape and if that was not amusing enough, while they are trying to get them back in guess who got out again? YUP... Just to come running straight back to the gate where he had been to start with...OH that was a funny day...why? because it was not us trying to catch the donkey...
Bachelors Buttons going into a larger tray...I hope in a week or two they will go into the garden...
The second time the donkey got out, they had melons growing in the field across from us and I woke up to see (hear) him at the same old gate...Even though it was but 5am, I knew I had to call and let them know he was in the melons...Lil Sara was but a wee baby at his time so there was nothing I could do to help actually catch him, but sit on the front porch (with my morning coffee) and watch poor Joe (neighbor) try as he might by himself to get that donkey to go with him...After awhile his wife turned up and between them and much effort and time, they did get donkey were he is supposed to be...
The Bloody Baron Corn is looking really good... Sometimes it truly is the little things that make me chuckle...small mind maybe?...but seeing an escaped bully calf licking and smooching your mail box at the sun is barely up o'clock, on a foggy morning is one of those things...again calling poor Joe to let him know he has an escaped animal...by the time he arrived the calf had vanished into the fog and all I could tell him was...It went in that direction (pointing north)...
The onions are almost as tall as Mr Peter Rabbit... Yesterday was another one of those small but amusing country moments for me...Driving home from town at 9am, the field workers were in the 55 acres behind our place, they have a stick with a hook on it and walk down even 3rd or 4th row and lift the melon vines back onto the plastic...This allows the "melon buses" during picking time to drive down these rows without destroying the fruit..
The peanuts are now poking their heads out of the dirt...I can almost taste the boiled peanuts hubby will make from these...yum.. What was so amusing about this?? Well as you can imagine this is boring tedious work...I happen to notice one guy walking down the row happily chatting away on his cell phone...now that is not something you see everyday...even out here lol.
Lil Sara with a bunch of wild flowers she picked during our evening walk...the old veggie garden on the other side of the property is just full of these gorgeous Phlox...
Well that about it for me this morning, the sun is now up, as is lil Sara, must be time to start the day...Hope yours is a wonderful spring day too...
Blessings Kelsie
Joining the following parties this week:Cottage Flora Thursday’s @ http://fishtailcottage.blogspot.comFarm Friendly Friday @ http://www.verdefarm.com/Flaunt Your Flowers / Fertilizer Friday @ http://www.tootsietime.com/