Thursday, March 24, 2011

Making progress in the gardens...

My Blue Girl is now fully open but still very pink...I am watching with an eagle eye for any signs of it turning to lavender or bluish...though maybe the bush is too young yet since I only planted it this year?...Though I am not complaining because I do love the shade of dusty pink it is....

The herb (fairy) garden out the back in coming along nicely...I am loving it, but can't wait for it too be so full and bushy you can't see the hay mulch anymore...Then I can start actually using the herbs in my cooking...yum

In the large gray pot is Mexican Petunias...the only non-herb in the garden...Then we have peppermint, lemon mint, 3 strawberry plants (one has fruit already) Basil in the pot and beside it, cilantro, sage, lavender, and though they are to small to see in properly thyme and dill...I had to add the black iron piece to stop the cats from sleeping on my seedlings...afternoon sun and warm hay just seem to much for them to resist.

In the black pot behind the cage is more dill, curly parsley next to pot and under hanging basket, in the hanging basket is more thyme and basil, behind it is a small rosemary bush and a single baby spinach...under the cage (again to keep the cats off) is more thyme and dill...I still need to start my chive and more lavender seeds (maybe today)...and I have to get around to ordering some Marjoram seeds also...then that covers most of the herbs I use on a regular basis.

My onions both white and red are ready to go into the ground out in the field..

One of 2 jars full of Rosemary cuttings waiting to be potted today...On the suggestion of my MIL I am going to try and create a Rosemary hedge since it is ever green and grows so well here....

Found this rusted out tub in the old barn, added some cardboard to the bottom over the large hole and then planted my Heirloom (Homestead) Tomatoes in it...seems fitting don't you think...

My potatoes in a tire, I added the second tire and more hay right after taking this photo...this is an experiment for me, the theory is that the potatoes besides the bottom layer grow in the hay and there for no dirt to wash off after picking them...

Here are our hybrid tomatoes, peppers and Brussel sprouts in the back field...Will plant the onions out here later today...

And just a few water melons....

The melons are not ours, but a neighbors, he plants the 55acres around us and the back 2 or 3 acres of our place...he left us a couple of part rows empty to plant our veggies and we also get as many melons as we can eat...though after the first dozen or so, ya kinda get sick of melon lol.

That is the update for now...Hope yall are able to get out in the dirt soon.

Blessings Kelsie

Joining the following parties this week:
Cottage Flora Thursday’s @
Farm Friendly Friday @
Flaunt Your Flowers / Fertilizer Friday @
Show and Tell Friday @


  1. I love your little fairy garden with the herbs.

  2. Fairy Garden? So sweet.

    You make it look so easy ... sigh.

    Meanwhile mine is the garden where hapless vegetables go to die ...

  3. Your plantings are coming right along. What a great idea to use Rosemary as a shrub! :)


  4. OMG. Look at all those plantings. Aren't U glad U don't have to take care of all of them. Luv the tire idea for the potatoes. Have a great day.

  5. What a huge garden. I had no idea you planted that much land. Awesome. I love the way you have incorporated herbs and some veggies into your smaller gardens. How do you root your rosemary? Great post. Have a great day in the gardens. Lucky you.

  6. You have a fabulous garden space and are smart to use it. The herbs will be so useful to cook with. I merely dabble in flowers but wish to plants veggies when my hubs retires. Visiting from Flora Thursdays.

  7. It would be cool to grow melons... of course our growing season is too short and too cool! And I'm like you, always impatient for the plants to grow, grow, grow!


  8. Oh...this really makes me want to go plant something! Not gonna happen today! It's about 35 degrees out. Uughhh!!! Come on warm weather! :)

  9. Looks like you're well on your way with the plantings! Enjoy spring:@)

  10. I love your herb garden, especially the hanging basket of herbs. I have some herbs started from seed, but I'd like a hanging basket near our back door. Such a great idea. I'll keep checking back to see how the potatoes are doing.
    Happy Gardening, Jane

  11. WOW... Now that is a garden...
    I love herbs...

  12. That's a lot of garden space!!! Love to see seedlings sprouting everywhere. You're going to have a lot to harvest!

  13. Your herb garden is wonderful! Love little garden spots like that! What a great variety you planted and all easy to get to! I want to move my herb garden outside my kitchen...your veggie starts look will have quite a harvest this summer!

    Miss Bloomers

  14. What a pretty rose! How is the hay mulch working for you? I tried it for the first time last summer and was pleasantly surprised; it really did keep the weeds down, especially in the shrub borders. People thought I was crazy, but it really enriches the soil, too.

    Glad to see such a beautiful garden, thank you for sharing on FF.

  15. What a cute garden! Makes me want to hurry and get back to digging in the dirt. Have a blessed day!

  16. That is quite a big field. I just love the herb garden. For some reason, my strawberries have taken over most of everything else in my herb garden.


  17. Kelsie,
    You're about 6 weeks ahead of us! I've been checking the herbs to see what had "wintered over". Looks as if the Chive and Rosemary are in great shape. "Mr. Ed" pulled out all the mint in the bed where it lay sleeping. I don't think that will be the end of it. Time will tell. The lavendar will have to be relocated, as it is squeezing out my other flowers.
    On the question of your rose bush. I've heard that the acidity of your soil can greatly effect the hue of your floral. Just a thought from the lady who gardens from the patio door. HA!

  18. Kelsie - your gardens are so charming! Love that birdcage you put outside to protect your plant -what a clever idea...& gives character to your gardens! Thanks for linking up your post to Cottage Flora Thursday's....xoxo Tracie

  19. I love your fairy herb garden! You have so much land for gardening. How wonderful!

  20. Love your house and her gardens. I keep saying I should put out some herbs but I've run out of room. I am your new follower, come on by my new blog when you have time.
    Goldenray Yorkies


Thank you for visiting my blog and would love to what you have to say, so please leave a comment...Blessings Kelsie