Monday, February 21, 2011

Spring time bee on a white pansy...

This if for all of you in the frozen north...

I thought you might like to see a little white that was not snow related....This little guy was a scout, it did not take long after seeing him to hear buzzing coming from the pear tree in the backyard which opened its blooms yesterday...

Blessings Kelsie

Sharing these today for Mosaic Monday @


  1. That's beautiful! And refreshing to see!

  2. How pretty...I never seem to be fast enough to capture a bee in a photo. Lovely. I live in Southern California where it is warmer too, and like with you Spring is fast arriving.

  3. Good Morning Kelsie Sweetie...
    Oh what a beautiful share this morning. I love seeing the bee on the pear tree bloom. It is absolutely exquisite. He is definitely scouting out the tree for all to come.

    Our lemon tree here in Phoenix, is full of lemons, and the bees have been everywhere on it. I love seeing them come. I have been so worried about the loss of bees in the US. They say it is a problem.
    Between our tree and the pool, we haven't seemed to suffer much at all.

    Have a glorious week sweetie. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  4. That is a bee-utiful mosaic for today.

  5. OH MY Kelsie, what beautiful photos ~ there is plenty of white here in my garden ~ feet and feet of snow ~ does my heart good to see signs that we will see this eventually!! Thank you for sharing..
    Join us on Wednesday for YUM-Top 5

  6. Kelsie,
    Lovely, tranquil color. Pure, refreshing. . .white does that to me.Changes with my mood. .. but always soothes me. Thank you for sharing your amazing photography with me!

  7. The bees will be coming to the desert soon...they swarm when it warms up just a bit..kind of scares me when I am out jogging..I'm always hoping they don't attack hubby always says if they do run like heck for a half a mile...

  8. Ahhh.....thanks! I need some spring! We are supposed to be in the single digits by week's end. Ugh.

  9. that is a beautiful mosaic. Great find of the bee and the flower together.

  10. Hi Kelsie: You remind me that I have to go out to the garden myself. It has been rainy and cold in Los Angeles so I have to wait a little bit. Love your post on catching fairies. I need to catch some too. Have a wonderful week and happy planting! Martha

  11. Such a pretty sight as I am in the frozen north soooo anxious for spring! Thanks for sharing!


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