Saturday, December 11, 2010

Very Pink Christmas From Florida....

Nothing says "Florida Christmas" more than a tacky pink Flamingo with a Santa hat lol...Lil Sara spotted this the second we walked into Beales Outlet this morning and thank goodness it was 50% off because she was not leaving without it lol.

It also just happens to be timed perfectly to give me something to share on this Pink Saturday...Linking to How Sweet The Sound for PINK SATURDAY so please pop over and see all the other lovely pink posts.


  1. so cute!! Happy Pink Christmas Saturday:))

    Kay Ellen

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by and your sweet comment!
    Cute Flamingo!!
    My Doll house is a dream come true and I will never forget the wonderful man who built it for me. I only hope I can pass it down thru generations and they too will remember him!

    Debbie @ A Debbie-Dabble Christmas

  3. I might have one or two flamingos myself! Have fun:@)

  4. How cute! I like to add little fun stuff like that to my decor. Not a lot but just an odd piece here or there. Kids have an eye for that kind of stuff don't they?
    Happy PS!

  5. Beautiful pinks! Happy Pink Saturday from one Floridian to another!

  6. They sure have the prettiest pink colors. I remember them from Busch Gardens...Christine

  7. Yes you must have a flamingo if you live in Florida. I lived in Florida in the eighties ,so I still have a flamingo on my tree.

  8. How very cute. I hope you've had a wonderful weekend and found some time to enjoy Pink Saturday. Blessings...Mary

  9. I live in the Panhandle of Florida and we don't have flamingos - but I have them in my tree. The ornaments going to all my sisters this year are flamingos. Happy Pink Saturday,


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