Monday, November 29, 2010

Treasure and Teaparties.....

As I mentioned in my Thanksgiving day post, last Wednesday I went to a lovely little antiques mall with my MIL and found some treasure to bring home...This treasure was 3 orphaned teacups and they inspired an afternoon garden tea party that same day...

The table is set...

But where is Nanma?

I'll get her says lil Sara..Screaming at the top of her voice...
"Nanma Tea Party" all the way to the house, over and over again lol

Here they come...Look at that excited little face.

Photo credit for the above 4 images goes to my eldest daughter Mic...
She appears below in the orange shirt

All the girls are at the tea party, even Nadia the dog who hates to miss anything.

Lil Sara was so excited to be having a tea party with her Nanma, before we even got the table cloth on the table she had gone inside and go her little wicker chair, even if it is to short for the table, that is the chair SHE wanted lol

Tasting to make sure her tea (milk) is just right...

Since I only found 3 teacups at the antique mall I gave lil Sara a white cup to use...But she did not mind, this was her first time using real china and that was enough to make her proud of herself.

As the tea party was not planned I did not have any cookies in the house so cut up a couple of strawberry pop-tarts into "fingers"...This did not fool the littlest guest at all, but she was still happy to nibble on them between sips of her milk.

A look at our table...
The "scones" are left over buttermilk biscuits from breakfast with jelly and cream added...very yummy indeed...This was the first time the Alice pot has actually been used, it held more than enough tea for everyone...the milk jug and sugar bowl I got on special from Target last year, I also found the tiered cake server during the same trip for just $1.99..The tray of course was one of my recent thrift store finds...Lace table cloth came from Dollar General years ago and the blue underneath is a bed sheet, shhhh don't tell...Napkins I made a couple of years ago with fabric from the $1 rack in Walmart.

This lovely handmade doily was created by Hubby's Granny many years ago...My sweet MIL brought me a bag full of them and matching table runners this visit.

I paired each orphan cup with one of my plain white saucers,
they look like there were made for each other.

Now a closer look at the Orphaned Cups:

Yup more blue and white cups for me...

Look how pretty the inside rim is...

Lovely detail even on the handle...

Made in England...

Can you believe these pretties were just $3 for all of them??
How could they not come home with me??

Sharing this treasure and our garden tea party this week with:

Rose Chintz Cottage & Inspirations - Tea Time Tuesday

Lady Katherine Tea Parlor - Tea Time Tuesday

Wander Lee and Pam's - Tea Pot and Tea Things Tuesday

and party Co-hosts:

Martha's Favorites - Tea Cup Tuesday
Terri, Artful Afirmations - Tea Cup Tuesday

And lastly

Marty, A Stroll Thru Life - Table Top Tuesday


  1. Can't go wrong with tea parties. They are so much fun and I love your creativity with setting your table :) ~Alana~

  2. The cups are so pretty. What a wonderful party it looks like you all are having. Everything looks so inviting.


  3. Hi Kelsie,
    What a lovely tea which makes for such wonderful memories! Sara is just adorable and such a sweet age. Wonderful finds in those blue and white teacups! Thank you for your lovely share; it's been a pleasure!


  4. Lovely tea! And your three orphaned tea cups are very pretty. I will be posting Tea Cup Tuesday later tonight, you may want to come back and put your link in again, as the one you put it in was from last week.
    I enjoyed seeing your tea party : )

  5. Your table linens and cups and teapot are so lovely! You have put them together in a beautiful way. What a nice tea party! Your daughter is adorable too!
    Blessings, Beth

  6. What a lovely tea party. Thanks for sharing.


  7. This is adorable! Nothing sweeter than a tea party with little girls!

    Pretty tea setting!


  8. Your tea party is too cute. Making sweet memories you are with the cups. Finding odd numbers of china always lowers the price and I never mind odd numbers! ♥O

  9. Your Munchkin looks so thrilled. What a sweet idea!!!

  10. Hello Kelsie,
    what a happy post. I love how you have set the little tea party just to treat everybody around you. Your little girl is so exited and proud. Aren't kids cute in their enthusiasm. Your teacups are very nice and so are the tea pot and milk and sugar. It need not much to have a nice tea time, you had an ingenious idea to make the fingers from biscuits and jelly. I am sure they were more tasty than bought ones. This was such a nice tea party, I enjoyed it very much.
    Greetings, Johanna

  11. How much fun your garden tea party must have been.
    Your daughters are delightful and I can tell Nanma had a wonderful time too.
    Maggie in Normandy.

  12. G'morn Kelsie ~ Aren't you the clever creator of an impromptu darling tea party ... obviously everyone had a great time. Love the teacups.

    I love it when the kid-lings & I do these kinds of events ... we have more fun!

    Have a beautiful day ~
    TTFN ~ Christmas joys ~

  13. love your table setting. the table linen you used just lovely so are the people that join you for that party.. all so beautiful! love the teacups too!

  14. Hi Kelsie,
    Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving such a nice comment. I love tea party! and the tea cups are so cute.You have a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing.

  15. You are so inspiring Kels! I didn't even recognize them as poptarts until you said so! LOL Someday I'm going to pull out my teacups and have a real tea party with girlfriends!

  16. Very pretty, Kelsie! I really like those blue and white cups--great find!

  17. WANT! WANT! WANT! THAT ALICE TEAPOT.... You have such awesome little teaparties. I just may do one this afternoon - you have inspired me.

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Thank you for visiting my blog and would love to what you have to say, so please leave a comment...Blessings Kelsie