Sunday, November 7, 2010

More Homemade Fall Decor

The cooler weather has finally reached our patch of Florida and the leaves are now changing colors, though not as impressive as the states farther north, it is quite magical to watch it through the eyes of a 2 year old...

Her pure delight at chasing the leaves when they rain down from above as a gust of wind knocks them from trees...Her exploring the piles on the ground to see how many different colors and shapes she can find....So what do we do with all these lovely treasures she collected earlier in the week.

We glued some to a pieces of black card stock to make a lovely fall piece of artwork for Nanna and Poppa....

Alas she insisted on gluing some of the "sticky berries" to it so we could not easily mail it...But rest assured it will be here waiting for them when they arrive for the holidays...In the mean time I get to enjoy it on my fridge.

We also filled the little heart shaped birdcage with pretty yellow and red leaves...It was the finishing touch needed to complete our kitchen bar decorations.

I hope everyone else is having a wonderful Sunday...I am off to look for more indoor activities to keep lil Sara occupied during our first cold snap of the season...Too cold for her outdoors today.



  1. Your budding little artist is so sweet and cute.


  2. Great ideas and the cutest best helper.

    As I have supported my doula clients, some through pregnancy and birth and others with new baby care these last few days I find I do not have the time to chat with each of you individually and thank you for commenting or participating in our Tuesday meme. Please know how much we appreciate and anticipate your contributions each week.

    Look forward to joining you around the tea table this week.

    Blessings, Pam


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