Yesterday morning we switched to Hughes net who offer a much faster and better service for much less than what we were paying for WildBlue...And with no contract, so if and when DSL becomes available out here in the sticks we can make the change if we like without receiving any penalties.
The downside to this is, now I have to go thru everyone of my online accounts and change the email address..This is always a PITA because I am worried I will miss an important one like when we moved from NC to FL Hubby forgot to change his eBay account over and then when he wanted to use it again a couple of years later he had no way to retrieve his long forgotten password...Oops.
We have left ourselves with a grace period where both the new and the old addresses will work for the next week, in the meantime I guess I will write me a list and slowly work on making the change over as Lil Miss Sara allows lol.
Blessings Kelsie
Girl it is tough living in the sticks, isn't it? LOL But, it also has it advantages. I am having to change things up also because I was hacked the other day. It has all been a pain, but it is gonna be ok. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving.