Thursday, November 11, 2010

Country Visitors

You just never know who is going to show up on your front step...

This fine looking fellow is Bravo my rooster...
Photo was taken from my front doorway.

Oh look he brought the wife along for the visit too...

Even when I step outside Bravo does not move from the front porch...Then ponders the open doorway for a bit...Naughty Chicken...Notice Dee and Dum are quite interested in all these goings on...Perhaps because it is usually them knocking on the front door...Yes KNOCKING...They pound on it with their bills....I can't wait till we get the front garden fenced off lol.

Finally Bravo gets the message to leave...
Only because he thinks there is food in it for him though...

I had planned to share these photos with yall yesterday but ran out of time...I will be back later today to share a more serious post...but for now I hope you enjoyed my country visitors.


  1. Kelsie, this looks very familiar to me. Before my husband fenced in his chicken yard, they would come up to the house. They would dig huge holes in the yard, and of coarse he blamed the holes on my dogs. Until one day I stood there and watched the chickens do it, of coarse we both knew all of our outside dogs were too lazy to dig a hole anyway. It is a cute site. Teresa

  2. Bravo is utterly GORGEOUS!! I think at least for a little while I would love to have critters like that wondering around. I know my boys sure would!


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