Saturday, August 7, 2010

New Baby and The Hero...

Well our newest addition made it thru the night...No signs of "peeping" from the other eggs this morning, but it could take up to 3days for all chicks to emerge according to my research...Will just have to keep a close eye on things...if not hatched by Monday the rest of the eggs will need to be removed so Leo can concentrate on raising the chick/s.

This photo is a few months old, but I thought our hero Nardia deserved to have her photo posted again...What a pretty and smart doggy she is.

PS:Hope yall noticed the new banner at the top of the post featuring the ducks Dee and Dum

1 comment:

  1. Your banner is charming! I hope you have good luck with the baby chicks.

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog.



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