This view of the house seem to be appropriate for the crazy Topsy turvy week it has been....Each night I have crawl to my bed exhausted and unable to think straight let alone write anything...I know I owe many of you emails and believe me when I say that I appreciate all the lovely comments and support everyone has given us during this adventure...(though the adventure is not over, this was just chapter one lol)...Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
Anyway in the last post the big question was, did we pass final inspection...YES and did the final walk thru with Leon of Built Wright Custom Homes on Thursday evening....So the house is now officially OURS and we are super excited....Now the long haul of trying to get moved in around a toddlers sleeping schedule (that changes daily) and David's uncooperative work schedule (that seems to be designed just to be the most inconvenient this week)
I have been trying to take final photographs of the kitchen for Leon's scrapbook before we move in, and I got some really nice ones on my Nikon 990, but alas I forgot to format the memory card to that camera last time I cleared it and now my computer will not read them...So I will try again today (if baby will let me)
She is slowly getting better and I will be glad with the antibiotics are almost over...I hope this is the last bout for the season...and also that the new house and super filtered A/C unit will help keep her allergies at bay from now on.
I finally got all the USA Graduation Announcements done and in the mail yesterday morning...Mic looks so gorgeous in her hat and gown....For those of you in Australia, yours are coming too, just have to have time to get to them....I do not know what I was thinking taking on building a house during the same yr as having one child graduating high school and the other one hitting the terrible 2's.
So on that note, much to get done today...
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