Thursday, April 8, 2010

Week 13 - Exterior Painting Done

View of the house from the North East, steal blue body, white trim and red door (Not sure what color red because they lost the sample card..oops). Still have to add the soffit, which will be white like the trim and should add the final POP to the outside...That is until until we have the time and money to add the railing to the porch and get some landscaping done.

Talking of landscaping Spring is definitely in full bloom here in Florida...I could not resist taking a photo of the wisteria that drapes the driveway and gives such a pretty frame to our little blue house.

In other news, all but one light fixture has been hung and they begun laying the flooring today...I hope to be able to get inside to take some pictures tomorrow afternoon or at the very latest the weekend. Also meet the granite guy, can't wait to see those counter tops go in...But first we need cabinets (due middle of next week)

I mentioned in my last entry that David had the septic guy use his machine to dig the trench for the underground electric conduit. Yesterday the electricians hung the outside box on the wall, allowing David to run the final pieces of conduit to make the connection from the pole by the road to the house complete. I have a great picture of David in the hole but he said I couldn't use it so this is the only one I have to share :(

David also ran all the phone and satellite lines for the TV and Internet throughout the house. Plus has framed in additional attic floor space the full size of the living area tray, which is about 16x16 square feet on top of what the builder had already made into attic storage space...

So not really house related but "down on the farm"...We got 4 more Chickens this last week...One is already laying and the other 3 younger birds are just pullets but should be laying soon also...For the moment they are still using the small pen to keep them safe at night but have free rain of all 5 acres during the day...though the younger birds seem to prefer the safety of the pen....Not sure if they are hiding from Bravo (rooster) or Sara lol...Actually they all get very excited to see Sara because she always brings them food.

David also brought 2 ducklings today, but they are just a week old and are currently snug as bugs in the old cockatiel cage in the utility room...About the time they are old enough to live outside full time we should have the new chicken/duck pen build closer to the new house and under the shade of the trees for both shelter from the summer heat and also predator birds.

I guess that is about it until I have some pictures from inside the house...I am very excited to see how the flooring looks tomorrow.

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