Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Now we know it is serious....

How you can tell that work is well and truly started?..The BlueLoo is on site...and the phone is ringing at 7.24am with questions about where the temp power pole is going to go.

Seems there was lots of coming and going over at the work site today, the inspector came by and passed the footer trench/ rebar. This was a big surprise to us, as we did not expect it to happen so quickly...Yay 4 Quick Inspections (lets hope it continues to be that way)

The Little Foreman got to come check out the progress this afternoon too..Here she is checking the wooden stake marking the future location of the temp power pole...Once the house is built all the power lines will be underground...This is for a number of reasons.

1: No unsightly power lines or poles in our yard..Preserving the old cottage look we eventually hope to achieve.

2: Will not have to trim anymore of our mature trees to make way for power lines.

3: And of course living in FL with year round risk of severe weather, the less likely hood of anything falling on the power lines and taking out our power.

This of course is a picture which was the total highlight of my day...The actual pouring of the cement footers and the delivery of the cinder blocks, which I guess will begin getting laid in the next couple of days after the cement has hardened depending on the weather.

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